Green Mountain Hooked Rugs is a 5 generation family owned business.
Although the business was founded in 1982 by Anne Ashworth, our rug hooking
roots go much further back. The timeline below shows our transformation over the years.

1865-1882 - Philena Moxley, (Wink Ashworth's grandmother) created and stamped embroidery and rug patterns at her shop, the PC Moxley Dry Goods Store, in Lowell, Massachusetts.
1927 - Philena Moxley Parker and her daughter, Minnie Parker Ashworth, demonstrate the use of the stamping blocks and create a hooked rug pattern for the Wenham, MA, Historical Society.
1973 - Pam (Ashworth) Kirk founded and sold her first rug hooking pattern business called New Earth Designs.
1982 - Green Mountain Rug School was co-founded by Anne Ashworth and Jean Armstrong. The school was held at Vermont Technical College in Randolph Center, Vermont from 1982-2014 when it was moved to Montpelier, Vermont by Anne's granddaughters.
1983 - Stephanie Ashworth began repairing rugs for the business and continues to this day.
1992 - Anne and Wink Ashworth legally incorporated Green Mountain Rug School.
1999 - Stephanie Ashworth Krauss opened a retail store called Green Mountain Hooked Rugs, located in a small, third-floor space in Montpelier, Vermont.
2000 - Stephanie Krauss took over the directorship of Green Mountain Rug School when Anne stepped down due to health issues.
2001 - Green Mountain Hooked Rugs moved to a larger, first-floor space in downtown Montpelier, and the name was officially changed to Green Mountain Hooked Rugs, Inc.
2006 - Green Mountain Hooked Rugs moved to its current location on the County Road in Montpelier, Vermont.
2010 - Stephanie is nominated for, and receives the Governor’s Heritage Award as best traditional artist in Vermont.
2011 - Mariah Krauss won the Celebration XXII viewers choice award at Hooked in the Mountains for her piece titled "Aries Woman"
2013 - The first ever Board of Directors is created for Green Mountain Hooked Rugs, Inc. The Board members are Anne's daughter, Stephanie Allen-Krauss, Pam Kirk, Elizabeth Ashworth, and Anne's granddaughters, Cecely Conrad, Lindsay Krauss, and Mariah Krauss.
October 2014 - Green Mountain Hooked Rugs is the featured vendor at Hooked in the Mountains. Stephanie wins an award for her work as a vendor in the community and wins the viewers choice award for her 6'x9'Oriental rug.
June 2015 - Green Mountain Rug School says hello to its new home at the Capitol Plaza in Montpelier, Vermont
August 2015 - Stephanie wins the Viewers Choice award at Sauder Village for her piece titled "Persian Palms"
Pam Kirk

Pam & Stephanie with their father, Wink Ashworth

Stephanie and her mother, Anne Ashworth