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  • Who Needs Insulation When You Have Wool?

Who Needs Insulation When You Have Wool?

Well the weatherman is finally calling for our first big snowfall here in Maine tomorrow and I find myself crossing my fingers in the hope that he's right! All autumn I complained about the severity of last year's winter and mentally prepared myself for the onslaught of a similar winter, but Nature in all her glory demands to be loved unconditionally apparently. She has been holding out on me and here I am, three days after a muddy and mild Christmas hoping she snows me in! In preparation for this barrage of snow, this instantaneous, sparkly winter wonderland I'm rediscovering all of my wool and past projects.

I've pulled out two projects and with the cold winter light finally on them, I've realized that in one of them I am hooking with the fabric equivalent of a highlighter. Interesting choice, self I said after taking it to the window. It's a piece that is hooked in all grays and yellows, but the yellow is all wrong! Amazing how a change from warm, red fall light to cold, blue winter light can shed, well... light on an issue. I've been feeling less than pleased with the piece for a few months now, but wasn't sure what the problem was. I set it aside and haven't looked at it since September, but now that I've pulled it out into the light again, it hit me. So I'll be snowed in with some soup, a baguette, and my dye pots tomorrow! Hoping for the right yellow... a mustard perhaps. Regardless, I encourage you all to take out your frustrating endeavors from the spring, summer, and fall and examine them in the new light! It's how I solved my color confusion!

Or maybe it's just an excuse to get into the dye pots :)

Comments on this post (1)

  • Mar 04, 2016

    Just now catching up on blogging! I was having a moment of appreciation this morning of how different light impacts the effect of colors in a work, so your comments here were particularly appreciated.

    Would you ever consider including photos illustrating points such as this? Just a thought (as if you had lots of spare time for such things… :-) )

    Thanks for the blog and for your good works.

    — Kathy Knisely

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