My Very First Rug...
Pigs must be flying and hell must be frozen over because the Rug Hooking world has officially turned me into a hooker… and I love every minute of it!
It was about 2 years ago now that I began helping my mom, Stephanie Krauss, with Rug School. I have always vowed that I was not interested in hooking. Until this Christmas when my aunt, Pam Kirk, sent me a pattern. I was strangely excited to start it. I had it color planned the next morning by 5AM. I never realized how great my moms shop was until I was color planning… SO MUCH WOOL!
I then began hooking. I took to it like a fish to water. I told mom, “I had been watching her, my grandmother (Anne Ashworth) and my sister (Mariah Krauss) do it for 30 years, I likely picked something up in that time!” My mom gave me pointers along the way. Everyone had always said she is a great beginner teacher, now I see what they meant. She has a way of guiding you and offering lots of ideas, while allowing you to go through the artistic process on your own.
I learned a lot with this rug. You can see how some of the bears look different. The first bear I did I outlined and then I followed the outline all around. The other bears I outlined and then hooked straight lines. I also learned that pulling loops to make a straight line is difficult – which is why the pine cone tops look like a 5 year old drew them. Lastly, I hooked the background in two different directions. I hooked the top and the bottom – then I hooked the two sides. I couldn’t really see the difference once the rug was completed and realized I could have hooked it all in the same direction.
I really enjoy my time hooking. I have a pretty demanding job and I find it difficult to close my computer at the end of the night. I also have trouble just sitting and watching TV – I always need to be multi-tasking. Hooking has solved both of these problems for me.
Thanks hooking community for never giving up on me!
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